• Centre for Civilisational Dialogue (UMCCD)
  • dialog@um.edu.my
  • +60379675697




Date(s) of Visit


Brief Biodata


Emeritus Prof. Dr. Abid A Al-Marayati

University of Toledo, USA

6 – 19 August 2004


Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Political Science, University of Toledo, 1990 (Professor and Director, Center for International Studies, 1968-90). UN Intern, 1954; Secretary, Delegation of Iraq 1955, and Delegation of Yemen 1956-60, UN General Assembly; Instructor, Dept. of Government, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1960; Technical Assistance Officer, Division of Economic and Technical Assistance, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 1960-62; Associate Professor of Political Science, State University, College of New York, Plattsburg, 1962-64; Research Fellow, Harvard University, 1964-65; Associate Professor, Arizona State University, Tempe, 1965-68; Lecturer and International Education Consultant, American Institute for Foreign Trade, Glendale AZ, 1965-68; Hawaii Pacific University, National Endowment for the Humanities, Distinguished Scholar, 2001. A Diplomatic History of Modern Iraq, 1961; Middle Eastern Constitutions and Electoral Laws, 1968; (with others) The Middle East: Its Governments and Politics, 1972; (ed.) International Relations of the Middle East and North Africa, 1985. Contributor of articles and papers to professional journals.


Emeritus Prof. Dr. Shaharir Md Zain

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

12 January 2011 – 11 January 2012

13 January 2012 – 12 January 2013

4 February 2013 – 3 February 2014

10 March 2014 – 9 March 2015

10 October 2016 - 9 October 2017

4 April 2019  - 3 April 2020

6 April 2020 - 5 April 2021


2011- now: Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, UM
1983-2008: Professor of Mathematics at UMT (2006-2008) and Professor of Mathematical Physics at Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia since 1983
1988-1994: Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia

Fellowship, Scholarship and Membership:
2006: Felo Persatuan Sains Matematik Malaysia (Offered)
1996: Felo Akademi Sains Malaysia
1990: Fellow of the Institute Mathematics and Its Applications, UK
1992: Honorary Member of The Muslim Assoc. for the Advancement of Science (MAAS) India
1988: Felo Institut Fizik Malaysia
1987: Fellow of the Islamic Academy, UK
1987: Listed as a Mathematician by IMU (International Mathematical Union)
1985/86: Fulbright Scholar, USA
1979: Commonwealth exchange scholar
1967-1974: Colombo Plan Scholar

Received education in a Malay Medium School up to Sixth Form (Arts Stream up to Form Five; Science Stream from Sixth Form onwards). B.Sc. Hons (in Pure and Applied Maths) and PhD (in Quantum Mechanics) at Lat Trobe Univ. Melbourne, Australia under the Colombo Plan Scholarship

General Aims and Purposes in Scientific Activities:
To produce scientific knowledge based on local values and culture and to strengthen Malay as one of the languages of science and mathematics.

Scientific Products:
Several yearly articles in Mathematical Physics, Finance & Management Science, History and Philosophy of Mathematical Science, Indigenisation & Islamisation of Mathematical Science, Mathematical Education, Discourses and Engineering in the Malay Language.

Have produced more than 30 university text and reference books in Malay, Hundreds of articles in Malay & English.


Prof. Dr. Arndt Graf

Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany

1 – 31 March 2013


Prof. Arndt GRAF (PhD Hamburg 1998, second PhD “habilitation” Hamburg 2004) is the Chair of Southeast Asian Studies at the Goethe-University of Frankfurt, Germany, since 2009, and Director of the Interdisciplinary Center of East Asian Studies (IZO) of the State of Hesse at that same university, since 2010. Previously, he served at Universiti Sains Malaysia (2007–2009) and the University of Hamburg (1999–2006). He also held visiting positions at Cornell University, the State Islamic University Jakarta and the University de La Rochelle, France. Arndt Graf’s publications mostly cover aspects of rhetoric, media, and political communication in insular Southeast Asia.


Prof. Dr. Carl Ernst

University of North Carolina, USA

7 January – 31 May 2005

10 – 31 October 2010


Carl W. Ernst is a specialist in Islamic studies, with a focus on West and South Asia. His published research, based on the study of Arabic, Persian, and Urdu, has been mainly devoted to the study of Islam and Sufism. His book Following Muhammad: Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary World (UNC Press, 2003) has received several international awards, including the Bashrahil Prize for Outstanding Cultural Achievement (Cairo, 2004), and another of his books has been awarded the Farabi International Award in the Humanities and Islamic Studies by the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology (2008). He has received research fellowships from the Fulbright program, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation. In 2009 he was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His current research projects include a study of the Qur’an as literature, studies of Muslim interpreters of Indian religions, and a translation of the Arabic poetry of al-Hallaj. He is the co-editor (with Richard Martin) of Rethinking Islamic Studies: From Orientalism to Cosmopolitanism (University of South Carolina Press, 2010). His publications include Sufi Martyrs of Love: Chishti Sufism in South Asia and Beyond (co-authored with Bruce Lawrence, 2002); Teachings of Sufism (1999); a translation of The Unveiling of Secrets: Diary of a Sufi Master by Ruzbihan Baqli (1997); Guide to Sufism (1997); Ruzbihan Baqli: Mystical Experience and the Rhetoric of Sainthood in Persian Sufism (1996); Eternal Garden: Mysticism, History, and Politics at a South Asian Sufi Center (1993); and Words of Ecstasy in Sufism (1985).

He studied comparative religion at Stanford University (A.B. 1973) and Harvard University (PhD 1981). He has taught at Pomona College (1981-1992) and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he has been department chair (1995-2000) and Zachary Smith Professor (2000-2005). He is now William R. Kenan, Jr., Distinguished Professor (2005-) and Director of the Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations. He and Bruce Lawrence are co-editors of the Islamic Civilization and Muslim Networks Series at the University of North Carolina Press.


Prof. Dr. Carolina López C

Tecnólogico de Monterrey University, Mexico

1 October 2009 – 19 August 2010


Prof. Dr. Carolina Lopez is a Professor of International Relations at Tecnólogico de Monterrey University in Chihuahua, México.  In the early Nineties, she founded the Center for Dialogue and Human Wellbeing at her university, which collaborates with like-minded academic and civil society organizations both locally and around the world.

From Prof. Lopez’ work has emerged the Ideological-Structural Analysis — a theory which has been utilized in Latin America, Europe and Asia in situations of both conflict and collaboration among groups of dialogue.

Prof. Carolina has 40 publications in the areas of inter-civilisational and intercultural dialogue, human rights and wellbeing, international relations, and politics.  In addition to their academic work, personnel at her Center for Dialogue and Human Wellbeing maintain columns in the popular press in México, in order to ensure the application of academic work at the level of civil society.

At the informal level, Prof. López is involved in interfaith groups and activities, as part of a collective effort to help the “dialogical way of life” become more and more normative around the world.


Prof. Dr. Charles Samuel Haines

Arizona State University, USA

6 June – 5 July 2011


Professor Haines is a cultural anthropologist whose research engages the complex ways post-coloniality and globalization reshape the Muslim world. His research focuses on the everyday lives of Muslims as they create new identities through such social practices as lifestyle options, consumption, labour and migration. He is the author of Nation, Territory and Globalization in Pakistan: A View from the Margins (Routledge, 2011) and is currently working on a new manuscript tentatively entitled Being Global, Being Muslim: Dubai, Islamabad, and Cairo. Haines’ areas of expertise include Pakistan, Islam, urban studies, globalization, tourism, Egypt, Dubai, and India. As an expert in Islamic Studies, he has travelled extensively throughout the Middle East and South Asia. Prior to coming to ASU, Haines taught at the American University in Cairo for four years. Haines cautions policymakers to understand the detailed histories and causes of revolt in each individual country, warning outsiders not to treat the entire region as a homogeneous entity. It is his belief that the US has often been seen as having “short-sighted policy interests at the cost of the people in the region.” Haines addresses US fears about an Islamist takeover in countries that have been experiencing tumultuous revolts. While some analysts may differ with his conclusions that the extremists will not be able to capitalize on (the revolts), because ultimately the revolts are about an aspiration for a political voice, and extremist organizations cannot offer political voice through democratic principles and practices.


Prof. Dr. Eddy Ng

Dalhousie University, Canada

2 May 2018


Eddy Ng is a Professor of Organizational Behaviour and he holds the F.C. Manning Chair in Economics and Business at Dalhousie University. His research focuses on managing diversity for organizational competitiveness, the changing nature of work and organizations, and managing an intergenerational workforce.

His work has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada grants. He has published more than 80 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. His new book, Generational Career Shifts: How Career Expectations, Experiences, Attitudes, and Values Shifted Across the Generations in the Workplace (with S. Lyons and L. Schweitzer) is forthcoming in 2018. He co-edited the Research Handbook of International and Comparative Perspectives on Diversity Management (2016), International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work: Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment (2014) and Managing the New Workforce: International Perspectives on the Millennial Generation (2012). His work has been featured in popular media outlets in Canada and the U.S. such as the Globe and Mail, the National Post, the Financial Post, Canadian Bussiness, Macleans.


Prof. Dr. Fumiaki Taniguchi

KONAN University, Japan

5 – 20 August 2009
12 – 19 May 2011

28 August – 2 September 2012


Professor Fumiaki Taniguchi obtained his bachelor’s degree in Economics at the KONAN University in the year 1969 and later a master’s degree in philosophy and Ethics at the OSAKA University in 1977. Prof. Fumiaki Taniguchi is a philosopher in the Department of Human Sciences, Faculty of Letters, at Konan University. He is the Director of the General Institute of the Environment at Konan University. He also serves as President of the Japan Academy for Health Behavioral Science, as Director of International Exchange Committee of the Japan Society of Environmental Education and an Editorial Team Member of the Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy, Canada. His academic background is in philosophy, ethics, environmental ethics, and bioethics. He has worked on environmental education to specialize in the integrated systems approach between environmental health and healthy life, also in the bridge between ethical norm and behavioural change. His books include The Current of Modern Philosophy (with Gunshi Satomi, Minerva Shobo, 1996) and Topology of Modern Thought (ed. G. Satomi, Horitsu Bunkasya, 1991). A parallel and long-standing interest are in establishing networks for glocal partners in the Asia-Pacific Region. He has organized and participated in many international conferences and seminars. He has been a Visiting Professor at Phranakhon Rajabhat University, Thailand (1997, 1999, 2001 and 2003), at the University of Victoria, Canada (1997 and 2003) and at the University of Malaya, Malaysia (2009). He also worked as Honorary Visiting Professor at Heibei University (1997-), Peking University (2000-), Peking University Resource College (2008-), China and an International Advisor, Advisory Panel of the University of Malaya Centre for Civilisational Dialogue (2011-2012).


Prof. Dr. Golam Dastagir

University of Toronto, Canada

7 July – 26 September 2012

8 April – 25 October 2013


Born in 1962, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dr Golam Dastagir is a Professor of Islamic Philosophy at Jahangir Nagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He started his teaching career in January 1990. Over the last four years, he has been affiliated with the University of Toronto as a Visiting Professor. Prof Golam Dastagir did his B.A. (Hons) and M.A. in Philosophy in 1985 and 1986 respectively with First Class from the University of Dhaka. In 1992, he was awarded a Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship to pursue higher studies. In 1993, he went to England on a Commonwealth Scholarship and did PhD in Islamic Philosophy at the University of Hull, England in 1998. Dr Dastagir was immensely helped by Professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr, while he was researching for his PhD dissertation on Ibn Sina. In 2008, he was nominated for the award of ‘Fulbright Visiting Specialist Program: Direct Access to the Muslim World’ sponsored by the US State Department. Prof Golam Dastagir is former Chairman of the Department of Philosophy and Director of the Centre for Philosophical Research and Activities, Bangladesh. At the invitation of Professor George McLean, Dr Dastagir participated in a month-long Islamic Seminar on ‘Faith and Reason Today: Fidelity in Our Time’ sponsored by Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington, D.C. With his initiatives, the International Society for Islamic Philosophy (ISIP) was launched at the Catholic University of America, Washington DC in 2008. Prof Dastagir is former Secretary-General of the Bangladesh chapter of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace (ACRP), a sister concern of Religions for Peace, NY, USA. He is Vice President of Bangladesh Philosophical Association and Country Representative of International Association of Sufism (IAS), California.


Prof. Dr. Hans Sauer

Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Germany

14 February – 1 March 2015


Hans Sauer is a specialist in English and American studies, especially in the history of English and Medieval English language and literature. He is professor emeritus at Munich University (LMU), where he was active in teaching, administration, and research from 1997 to 2012. For example, he was head of the English Department twice, and dean of studies of the Faculty of Languages and Literatures for several years. Currently, he teaches as a professor at the Silesian College for Business, Marketing and Languages, or Gallus, in Katowice/Poland, and as a visiting professor at the University of Wuerzburg / Germany. Previously he also taught as a professor (or visiting professor) at the universities of Eichstaett, Wuerzburg and Dresden (Germany), Innsbruck (Austria), Lodz (Poland), Palermo (Italy), Columbus / Ohio (USA), Tokyo (Japan), Beijing and Chongqing (China). He has given many papers and plenary lectures at national and international conferences, and numerous lectures as a visiting professor at national and international universities. He has published 14 books as author or editor or co-editor, as well as ca. 70 articles in journals, collective volumes, festschrifts etc., as well as many reviews. He was an editor or co-editor of the journal Anglia, and of the Lexikon des Mittelalters [Dictionary of the Middle Ages] and he is still a co-editor of the book-series ‘Middle English Texts’ and ‘Texte und Untersuchungen zur Englischen Philologie’. His research interests and publications include editions and studies of Medieval English texts, word-formation, glosses, glossaries and lexicography, plant names (especially Old English plant names), Beowulf, especially Beowulf translations and Beowulf films, the history of linguistics and of English studies, varieties of English (especially advertising language and pidgin and creole languages), interjection and binomials.


Prof. Dr. James Winston Morris

University of Exeter, UK

13 – 22 January 2004

7 – 12 January 2008


PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University
B.A. in Civilizational Studies, University of Chicago
Other graduate studies: Casablanca, Morocco; University of Strasbourg; American University of Cairo; Iranian Academy of Philosophy; Center for the Study of Civilizations, Tehran.

Prior to joining Boston College, Professor Morris held the Sharjah Chair of Islamic Studies at the University of Exeter, and he has taught previously at Princeton University, Oberlin College, Temple University, and the Institute of Ismaili Studies in Paris and London. He has served as visiting professor at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris), University of Malaya, and the University of Sarajevo, and he lectures and gives workshops widely throughout Europe and the Muslim world.


Prof. Dr. John Nirenberg

Walden University, Minneapolis, USA

1 - 28 October 2017


John Nirenberg ­- has served as a dean, professor, consultant, and writer seeking to uncover the principles that result in eupsychian organizations – psychologically healthy, creative, productive, and satisfying workplaces. Currently, John is a Fulbright Specialist and a consultant to organizations with T-Quad. Formerly, he was Professor of Leadership and Organizational Change and a mentor to doctoral students at Walden University where every dissertation must contribute to positive social change.

John is the author of Global Leadership (Capstone/Wiley); Power Tools: A Leader’s Guide to the Latest Management Thinking (Prentice Hall); and The Living Organization: Transforming Teams into Workplace Communities, published jointly by Irwin Professional Books and Pfeiffer and Co. His articles have appeared in professional and academic journals on five continents.

He has lived in Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and Thailand for almost ten years where he was an educator and consultant. While in Malaysia he edited Aspects of Management in Malaysia. It was the first management book in Malaysia that integrated Malaysian cultural influences with conventional management principles.

He received post-doctoral training in interpersonal dynamics at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business where, upon completion of his training, he served as a course facilitator in that program. He earned his PhD in Educational Administration and Organizational Behavior, an MBA, a master’s degree in Social Science, and a Master of Fine Arts degree (Creative Nonfiction Writing).


Prof. Dr. Jose Nandhikkara

Dharmaram College, Bangalore, India

27 April – 22 May 2014


Rev Jose Nandhikkara CMI is a Carmelite Priest residing at Dharmaram College, Bangalore. He is the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram and Head of the Department of Philosophy at Christ University, Bangalore. He serves also as the Director of the Centre for the Study of World Religions and the Chief Editor of the Journal of Dharma and contributes to the fields of Comparative Religion and Religious Experience and promotes Faiths Seeking Harmony of Life and Fellowship in Religious Experience. He has an excellent academic record, with three bachelor’s degrees in philosophy, Geology, and Theology and MA in Philosophy and Theology from Oxford University and a Licentiate in Philosophy from Gregorian University, Rome. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from Warwick University, UK. His doctoral dissertation was titled ‘Being Human from a Religious Point of View, after Wittgenstein’. He taught various philosophical courses, both at the UG and PG levels, such as Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophical Psychology, Philosophy of Religion, Religion in Contemporary India, Wittgenstein, Medieval Philosophy, Thomistic Theism, Analytic Philosophy, Hermeneutics, and Postmodernism. He has published a book titled Being Human after Wittgenstein: A Philosophical Anthropology and contributed twenty research articles in reputed journals and edited works both in India and abroad. He has also attended various National and International Conferences and presented research papers in the field of philosophy and religions.


Prof. Dr. Leonard Swidler

Catholic Thought and Interreligious Dialogue, Temple University, USA

24 – 27 June 2003

3 – 17 June 2004


LEONARD SWIDLER is Founder and President of the Dialogue Institute, as well as Founding Editor of the Journal of Ecumenical Studies. He is a Professor of Catholic Thought and Interreligious Dialogue in the Religion Department of Temple University, where he has taught since 1966. At Temple, and as a visiting professor at universities around the world – including Graz, Austria; Tübingen, Germany; Fudan University, Shanghai; and the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur – Prof. Swidler has mentored a generation of U.S. and international scholars in the work of interreligious dialogue. Prof. Swidler has a Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the University of Tübingen and received his PhD in History from the University of Wisconsin; he also holds honorary doctorates from St. Norbert’s College and LaSalle University. Prof. Swidler has published more than 180 articles and 70 books, including Jewish‑Christian‑Muslim Dialogue (1978); Religious Liberty and Human Rights (1986); After the Absolute: The Dialogical Future of Religious Reflection (1990); A Bridge to Buddhist-Christian Dialogue (1990); Muslims in Dialogue: The Evolution of a Dialogue over a Generation (1992); Jesus Was a Feminist (2007). The recipient of numerous international awards, he was most recently honoured with the establishment of the endowed Leonard and Arlene Swidler Chair in Interreligious Dialogue at Temple University.


Prof. Dr. Michael Northcott

University of Edinburgh, UK

16 May – 9 June 2008


Michael Northcott was educated in theology and sociology at Durham and Sunderland Universities. Afterwards, he served in a Church of England parish in Manchester before joining the Faculty of Seminari Theologi Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur in 1984. He moved to New College in 1989. He has supervised twenty-five doctoral students while at Edinburgh and former students teach at Universities and colleges in Australia, Canada, Ghana, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and the United States.

He has given invited lectures at many universities around the world including the Claremont School of Theology, Duke University, Flinders University, Adelaide, the University of Melbourne, and the University of Malaya.

He teaches courses in Christian ethics, ecology and religion, the global economy and theology, and the ethics of technology. He directs the MTh in Ethics and is a Quality Audit and Enhancement officer for the School of Divinity.

Professor Northcott's research focuses on the interface between theological ethics and the human and natural sciences. He is currently writing a book on the ethics of technology and human work entitled The Morality of Making for Oxford University Press. His other long term writing project is on the theological and ethical implications of humanly caused species extinction. He is also continuing research on the ethics and politics of anthropogenic climate change and the ethics of political economy.


Prof. Dr. Paul Morris

Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

27 April – 7 May 2009


Paul Morris studied Religious Studies at Victoria University of Wellington under Professor Lloyd Geering, and at Lancaster University where he completed a PhD supervised by Professor Ninian Smart. Dr Morris taught at Lancaster during the 1980s and has held visiting positions, including Visiting Professor of Religious Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara; Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Jewish-Christian Relations, Birmingham; Visiting Professor of Humanities, University of Queensland; and Visiting Professor of Religion, Boston University. Professor Morris is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association for the History of Religions and on the editorial/advisory boards of Numen, Journal of Beliefs and Values, Journal of Implicit Religion, Journal of Indo-Judaic Studies, and the Numen Brill Studies in Religion series.


Prof. Dr. Ravindra Kumar

University Meerut, India

9 – 14 January 2005


Writer, Indologist and former Vice-Chancellor of Meerut University, India, Dr. Ravindra Kumar have authored and edited over 100 works on great men like Buddha and Gandhi and on social-cultural issues. As a visiting professor, he has delivered lectures on Asian values, Gandhism, international understanding and peace in many countries. He is the editor of the Global Peace Journal and recipient of several awards like Ambassador of Peace, Sardar Patel Award and Padma Shri.


Prof. Dr. Robert Eisenmen

California State University, USA

23 February – 20 March 2010


Dr. Robert Eisenman is a professor of Middle East Religions and Archaeology and the Director of the Institute for the Study of Judeo-Christian Origins at California State University, Long Beach. He has a Ph. D. from Columbia University in Middle East Languages and Cultures and Islamic Law. Prof. Eisenman is a Visiting Senior Member of Linacre College at Oxford University, a member of the National Endowment for the Humanities, and a Fellow at the Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Oxford Center for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies. He has written many books, such as James the Brother of Jesus: The Key to Unlocking the Secrets of Early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls (1998), The Dead Sea Scrolls and the First Christians (1996), Islamic Law in Palestine and Israel: A History of the Survival of Tanzimat and Shari'ah (1978) and is co-editor of The Facsimile Edition of the Dead Sea Scrolls (1989) and The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered (1992). In 1991-92, he was the Consultant to the Huntington Library in San Marino, California, when it decided to open its historical documents and allow free access for all scholars to the previously unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls.


Prof. Dr. Sami Adwan

Bethlehem University, Palestine

15 – 26 June 2010


Sami Adwan is a professor of education, a teacher, and a trainer at Bethlehem University. He is the Palestinian director and co-founder of the Peace Research Institute in the Middle East (PRIME). Prof. Adwan’s research focuses on Palestinian education, the role of education in building peace, and religious education and co-existence between different religions and believers.

His publications include The status of  Religious Education in Palestinian schools(2001), Comparative Analysis of the Israeli and Palestinian Conflict in History and Civic Education(2004); Two Conflicts, Four Countries (Greece, Turkey, Israel, and Palestine); and The Historical Perception of Israeli and Palestinian Youth, He is also co-editor, with Dr. Dan Bar-On, of three works The Role of Palestinian and Israeli NGOs in Peace Building, Victimhood and Beyond, and Learning Each Other’s Historical Narrative: Palestinians and Israelis (Part I, 2003; Part II, 2006 and part III, 2008).  He serves on many committees and is the editor of scientific journals.

In 2001, Dr. Adwan and Dr. Bar-On were awarded the Alexander Langer Foundation Prize for their work and their dedication to peace as co-directors of PRIME.  Similar honours were bestowed on them in 2005 when they received the Victor J. Goldberg IIE Prize for Peace and the European Association for Education of Adults Prize. Dr. Adwan was awarded the joint Legislative Resolution of the Senate and the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey in March 2007.


Prof. Dr. Samuel Oluoch Imbo

Hamline University, Minnesota, USA

15 June – 3 September 2010

2 May – 16 July 2011

29 June – 17 August 2012

15 May – 16 June 2013


Sam Imbo is Kenyan by birth and American by choice. He is a professor of philosophy and the director of the African American Studies Program at Hamline University in Saint Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. He also held the Hanna Chair in Philosophy at Hamline University from September 2005 until May 2009. He earned his B.A. (Hons) in 1985 from the University of Nairobi in Kenya. He received both his M.A. (1990) and PhD (1995) degrees from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A. His teaching, writing and research interests are in the areas of comparative philosophy, Africana philosophy, and social and political philosophy. He is the author of two books. His first book, An Introduction to African Philosophy, was published in 1998. His second book, Oral Traditions as Philosophy: Okot p’Bitek’s Legacy for African Philosophy, was published in 2002. His interest in Islam was sparked by teaching philosophy of religion course and by an international faculty seminar in June 2007. The seminar organized by the Council on International Education Exchange (CIEE) took 14 American professors to France and The Netherlands with a focus on the theme of contemporary European Muslims. In 2008, Professor Imbo taught a seminar at Trier University in Germany on the theme of American Islam.


Prof. Dr. Sheng-Ju Chan

National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan

1 – 24 August 2014


Sheng-Ju Chan is a Professor in the Graduate Institute of Education and Chief Executive Officer of the International Master Program in Educational Leadership and Management Development at the National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. His areas of special interests are higher education policy, comparative education, and higher education management. He is the author of over a dozen publications in Chinese and English, and a policy advisor to the Ministry of Education in Taiwan for higher education. His recent articles focused on cross-border education, internationalization and student mobility in Asia and were published in well-known journals such as Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Higher Education Policy and Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management etc. Specialising in education in East Asia, Dr. Chan is the associate editor of the international journal of Asian Education and Development Studies published by Emerald. He is also the co-editor of a book series, Higher Education in Asia, supported by Springer. Having heavily involved with comparative education studies and community, he has been the Secretary-General of the Chinese Taipei Comparative Education Society in Taiwan since 2010 and received Society's research award in 2011.


Prof. Dr. Shih-Chung Tristan Hsieh

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

1 November – 31 December 2010


Prof. Dr. Shih-chung Tristan Hsieh is a well-known scholar in the field of Ethnicity, Interpretative Anthropology, Ethno-history, Anthropology of Tourism, Indigenous Culture of Taiwan, Tai Studies and Lao Studies. He holds a B.A. in History from Tunghai University, Taiwan, and a second on in Thai Study from University of Washington, Seattle; a M.A in Archaeology and Anthropology, National Taiwan University, and the other in Anthropology, University of Washington, Seattle; a PhD in Anthropology, University of Washington, Seattle.

Prof. Hsieh has taught in the Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University for 20 years, he had been Department head twice, 1999-2002 and 2005-2008, and served as president of the Society of Chinese Ethnology from 2000 to 2002. Prof. Hsieh also was a visiting scholar at Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University during the 1997-1998 academic year, and participated in the Fulbright Scholarship in 2003-2004 as well. Prof. Hsieh at present is the supervisor for 7 PhD students at NTU. He is busy teaching but still continues his fieldwork in both Laos and Hokkaido.

Prof. Hsieh has published quite a few academic works. The main contribution on Taiwan indigenous people include three books: Stigmatizing Identity: on Ethnic Change among Indigenous People in Taiwan (1987), Ethnic Tourism among the Taiwan Aborigines: Anthropological Interpretation of Contemporary ‘Mountain Culture’(1994), and Migration, Returning Home & Traditional Ritual: on Illisin Participation and Cultural Identity among Amis Urbanites in Northern Taiwan (2007). And those publications on Southeast Asia mostly by journal article are for instances “Bilateral Inheritance and Sexual Equality: on Cultural Base in Tai-Buddhist Communities in Mainland Southeast Asia” (2007), and “Water is ready for Coming to You: On Symbolism of Wetting Game in Laos” (2009), and a book entitled Tai-Lue: Ethnic Phenomena in Sipsong Panna (1993). He recently created a new field in Hokkaido and already finished two papers on the Ainu People: “Internal Education as Imagined Entity: On Critical Gap between Ainu People and Culture” (2009), and “Failure in the Past and in the Present: on Collective Narratives among the Ainu on Ethnic Suffering” (2009).

Prof. Hsieh in short is very interested in both ethnographic data and theoretical matter, he plans to spend years to integrate his works on Taiwan indigenous people, Lao/Tai-Lue culture, and the Ainu groups to develop an explanatory system for the Asian ethnicity of the minority people in facing Nation-State.


Prof. Dr. Thomas William Simon

Illinois State University, USA

15 August 2005 – 14 May 2006


Prior to the Hopkins-Nanjing Center, Dr. Simon was associated with the Department of International Studies of the American University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates. Before that, he taught philosophy and chaired the Department of Philosophy at Illinois State University. As a Fulbright Scholar, he taught in the University of Malaya Law Faculty and conducted research at the Centre for Civilization Dialogue. He has taught law at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and the University of Prishtina, Kosovo. He held the Distinguished Chair of Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Northern Colorado as well as helped to establish an English-speaking Japanese university, Miyazaki International College.

His awards include a Liberal Arts Fellowship from Harvard Law School. He has received awards for teaching excellence from the University of Florida and the University of Illinois.

He holds a PhD in philosophy from Washington University and a J.D. in law from the University of Illinois.

His research focuses on global injustices and on minority issues. In addition to over forty articles, his publications include Group Injustices (2011), Laws of Genocide (2007), Law & Philosophy (2000), and Democracy and Social Injustice (1995). He founded and edited Injustice Studies, an electronic journal. He has consulted for the United Nations Working Group on Minorities and the American Bar Association Central/Eastern European Law Initiative. He served on a drafting committee for Albania’s new constitution. As a practising attorney, he has represented a Diaspora Rwandan group in an extradition case to the Ad Hoc War Crimes Tribunal for Rwanda and has served locally as a Court Appointed Special Advocate for child abuse cases. He has been admitted to the practice of law in the District of Columbia, Illinois, and Maryland.


Prof. Dr. Tobroni

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia

13 June – 4 July 2008


Pendidikan Agama, IAIN Sunan Ampel Malang, 1989
Sosiologi Pendesaan PhD, UMM, 1996
Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, UIN Yogyakarta, 2005


Prof. Dr. Yasmin Saikia

Arizona State University, USA

6 June – 5 July 2011


Yasmin Saikia is a Professor of History and the first holder of the Hardt-Nickachos Chair in Peace Studies at Arizona State University. Her previous appointments were at Carleton College and the University of North-Carolina, Chapel Hill (1999-2010) and Carleton College (1997-1999), Minnesota. Originally from India, Yasmin had her early education at Aligarh Muslim University (India) and completed her graduate and doctoral work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research and teaching interests invoke a dynamic transnational and interdisciplinary dialogue situated at the intersection of history, culture, and religion. With a specific focus on contestations and accommodations in South Asia between local, national, and religious identities, she examines the experiences of marginal groups, such as the Tai-Ahom on the border region of Assam and Burma, Muslim experience in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and the discourse on non-violence alongside the violence against women and vulnerable groups. Professor Saikia has introduced a variety of new courses on South Asia and Islam at Arizona State University. Her research and writing have been funded by grants and fellowships from the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, American Institute of Pakistan Studies, American Institute of Bangladesh Studies, Social Science Research Council, American Institute of Indian Studies, as well as UNC-Chapel Hill, Carleton College, and Arizona State University.  She is the recipient of the Nehru Memorial Library and Museum book-prize for best book on Northeast India (2005).    


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alastair Stephen Gunn

Waikato University, New Zealand

4 September – 15 December 2006

1 March – 1 June 2007


Associate Professor Alastair S. Gunn (PhD Waikato) is a member of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ. He has been visiting scholar or professor at several universities in the US, Australia, and Malaysia. His teaching and research interests are in applied ethics, including bioethics and engineering, environmental and media ethics. He has published three books on engineering ethics, all of which have been translated into Japanese and one into Chinese, and many monographs and articles. He has a particular interest in internet-based teaching as well as philosophy in schools and is involved in setting up a programme in Malaysia. He has been a member or convenor of several health and research ethics committees in NZ and regularly undertakes ethics consultancy work in New Zealand and internationally.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roger Barnard

 Waikato University, New Zealand

3 October – 2 November 2016 


Roger Barnard is an associate professor in applied linguistics at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Before taking up his post in 1995 he worked in England, Italy, the Netherlands, Yemen, and Oman as a language teacher, director of studies, teacher trainer, and English language adviser to ministries of education. Over the past twenty years, he has accepted several visiting professorships in Asian universities, where he has taught graduate classes and carried out research projects with local colleagues. He publishes frequently and has presented papers at international conferences. He has supervised and examined many international PhD students and often publishes with them.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Bucher

Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI), Malaysia

2 October – 31 December 2006

10 April – 11 July 2007

29 March 2012 – 30 September 2013


Dr. Stefan Bucher received his PhD (magna cum laude) in philosophy in 1989 at the University of Münster (Germany). He has been an Asst./Assoc. Professor at Kyungbuk National University (Korea), the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Tamkang University (Taiwan) and Sultan Idris Education University. He has served on committees and boards in universities, academic associations, and an NGO. In Malaysia, he has been collaborating with SUHAKAM in organising Human Rights Days and researching Human Rights education. He has been lecturing and giving talks in numerous countries across Europe, Asia and America covering moral, social and intercultural issues and conducted research on peace, human rights and education while being affiliated with academic research centres in Europe and Asia. One of them is the UM Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, where he had two short-term attachments in 2006 and 2007 and where he serves currently as a Senior Research Fellow, since March 2012.


Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris

World Wisdom Council USA

20 July – 1 August 2009


Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris is an internationally known evolution biologist, futurist, author, business consultant and speaker. Citizen of the USA and Greece, she lives in Spain, where she works with Mallorca Goes Green toward a sustainable local economy. Fellow of the World Business Academy and member of the World Wisdom Council, her post-doctoral fellowship tenure was at the American Museum of Natural History in New York; she taught at MIT and the University of Massachusetts, was a UN Consultant on indigenous peoples, a science writer for the NOVA-HORIZON TV series, taught in a sustainable business MBA program and organized the Hokkaido Foundations of Science Symposium in 2008 and another in Kuala Lumpur in 2009. Her books include EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution, A Walk Through Time: from Stardust to Us and Biology Revisioned, w. Willis Harman.

Dr. Sahtouris ever updates her model for a living universe integrating physics, biology, and spirituality. She sees solutions to our social and economic crises in the evolution of Earth's ecosystems and works passionately for the health and well-being of our global family.

Her venues have included top government agencies in Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and the Netherlands, The World Bank, UN, UNESCO, EPA, Digital Earth Society, Boeing, Siemens, Tokyo Dome Stadium, Sao Paulo's leading business schools, State of the World Forums (NY & San Francisco), First Rand Bank Group S.Africa, World Parliament of Religions, and many more.


Dr. Eric Winkel

Bridge Academy Charter School, Las Vegas, New Mexico, USA

14 – 30 July 2005

2 August 2007

14 February14 March 2023


PhD in Government and International Studies from the University of South Carolina, he worked with IIIT in Herndon, Virginia and then at the International Islamic University Malaysia on ideas of Islamisation. He has taught at the University of New Mexico, Universidad del Valle de Mexico, at the Quaid-i-Azam University in Pakistan as a Senior Fulbright Scholar, and again recently at the National College of Arts in Lahore. His primary study for over twenty years is the Futuḥāt of Ibn ʿArabī. He has addressed the Muhyiddin Ibn ʿArabī Society in Berkeley, in Santa Barbara, as well as Oxford in 2008. Dr. Winkel has made great efforts to understand quantum mechanics and absorbed the fascination with chaos, fractals, and complexity emanating from Los Alamos and the Santa Fe Institute. He believes the greatly expanded interest in and study of Ibn ʿArabī corresponds to the last four decades of interest in complexity. From 2000–2008 Dr. Winkel co-founded a small public high school in rural New Mexico (USA) with grants from the U.S. Department of Education. His school introduced students to languages and cultures, culminating in a ‘global experience’ for a total of thirty-five students travelling to nine countries.


Dr. Hilal Ahmad Wani

University of Ilorin, Nigeria

22 October 2013 – 21 October 2014


Dr. Hilal Ahmad Wani was born on 10 April 1980, at Loliporapora, Pattan, District Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir, in India. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree B.A. (Hons) in Political Science, with first-class, at the Aligarh Muslim University in the year 2005 and later Master degree in Political Science with first class, at the Aligarh Muslim University in 2007. Later he did his PHD in Political Science from the Department of Political Science, Aligarh Muslim University. After being awarded his Doctorate degree in, July 2012. His topic of PhD was ‘’Conflict Resolution in Jammu & Kashmir: Issues and Challenges’’. He also did his Certificate Course of Proficiency in Language [Kashmiri], Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India in 2004. And Diploma of Proficiency Language [Kashmiri], Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, in 2006.

His field of research is Peace and Conflict Resolution, Conflict Management, Conflict Transformation, Kashmir Conflict, Federalism, Globalization, Minority Rights and Multiculturalism, Islamic issues, Ethnic Conflict and Management, Civil Society and Good Governance, etc.

He got an appointment as a one-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship, at the Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria in 2012 September. With his research at the CPSS, he is also teaching a paper “good governance and development. His title of Post Doctorate is ‘’Ethnic Conflict and Management in Federal Nations: A Comparative Study of Nigeria and India’’. He is a member of the International Advisory Board, of the International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research [IJMSBR], Manchester, England. He is also a member of the Editorial Board, SOSIOHUMANIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan (Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences Education), Indonesia. Besides, he presented his papers at many conferences be it national and international. He has published about twenty papers in well-reputed journals. His PhD thesis is also going to be published in Germany very soon. He is also a member of the peace organizations such as the Society for Peace Studies and Practice, (SPSP), Nigeria. Moreover, he participated in several workshops at different Universities.


Dr. Julie Chernov Hwang

California State University-Fullerton, USA

25 July – 3 August 2008


B.A., George Washington University, 1999
M.A., University of Colorado-Boulder, 2003
PhD, University of Colorado-Boulder, 2007

Areas of Scholarly Expertise and Interest:
State-religious group relations, Islamist political parties, radical Islamism, disengagement of jihadis, terrorist rehabilitation processes and programs,  Islamic education, ethnic politics, inter-ethnic conflict in plural societies, democratization and party politics, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkey


Dr. Mohammad Ismath Ramzy

International Islamic University Malaysia

1 October 2012 – 31 May 2013 (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow)

3 June 2013 – 2 June 2014

10 June – 9 June 2015

10 August – 9 November 2015


Dr. Mohammad Ismath Ramzy received a PhD in Comparative Religion from International Islamic University Malaysia in 2012. Ismath Ramzy’s publications cover women and peace, peace education, the legacy of Ven. Walpola Rahula and Muslim-Buddhist co-existence. His interest extends over the aspects of peace, multiculturalism, co-existence, interfaith dialogue, contemporary Asian religious thoughts, and Islamization of Knowledge.


Dr. Nahid Ferdousi

Bangladesh Open University, Bangladesh

2 September – 30 November 2013


Dr. Nahid Ferdousi is a Research Fellow, Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya. She was working as an Associate Professor of Law in the School of Social Science, Humanities and Languages (SSHL) at Bangladesh Open University. She worked on the Juvenile Justice System in Bangladesh: An Analytical Study in her PhD research. She has published books at the university level and many articles on the field of women and children rights, environmental issues, and open distance learning in various national and international journals. She received an award from the University Grant Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh in 2011 for a research article on Juvenile Delinquency and Correctional Services in Bangladesh: A Critical Review. Her research interest is related to the field of child rights, women rights, and gender issues.


Dr. Nur Suhaili Ramli

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy

12-21 September 2018


Dr. Nur Suhaili Ramli is a Lecturer at the Department of Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. She received her PhD in Management from the University of York, United Kingdom. She also has a master’s degree in Business Administration from the Open University Malaysia as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Information Communication and Technology from the Universiti Teknologi Petronas. She has lived, worked, and studied in various countries such as Malaysia, New Zealand, Belgium, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Italy.

Her publications cover diaspora and immigrant entrepreneurship, marketing strategies, business history, and global brands. Her research interest extends over the areas of marketing strategies, the evolution of global brands, diaspora and immigrant entrepreneurship, comparative studies, and business history.


Dr. Syed Nomanul Haq

Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pakistan

8 July – 29 August 2012


Dr. Syed Nomanul Haq is a scholar of Islamic intellectual history who studied at Harvard and at University College London. He is currently a senior faculty member in the School of Humanities and the Social Sciences at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). Prior to this, he served on faculty of Tufts in the USA, and at Brown as well as the University of Pennsylvania; he continues his faculty affiliation with the latter. Dr. Haq is General Editor of Oxford University Press' book series “Studies in Islamic Philosophy” and serves as Chief Editor of the journal of Urdu Studies “Bunyaad”. He is widely published internationally, having shared the prestigious 2012 Waldo Leland Prize of the American Historical Association for his writings in the “New Cambridge of Islam”. Recently he held the position of Scholar-in-Residence at the American Institute of Pakistan Studies, funded by the US State Department.


Dr. Vivienne Angeles

La Salle University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

27 June – 30 November 2007


PhD, Temple University, 1987
M.A., Temple University, 1979, Kansas State University, 1971
B.A., University of the Philippines, 1964

Areas of Interest:
Islam in America, Muslim movements in the Philippines and Southeast Asia, Visual expressions of Islam in Southeast Asia, Issues in religion, gender, and migration, Religion, identity, and globalization


Dr. Zobaida Akhter

Bangladesh Open University, Bangladesh

26 April – 25 October 2013

28 October 2013 – 27 October 2014


Zobaida Akhter, PhD, is a Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya. She was working for Bangladesh Open University. Dr Akhter also worked as Social and Gender Development Specialist (National Consultant) for Public Awareness Campaign of Multi-Sectoral Programme on Violence Against Women in Bangladesh (MSP-VAW), Ministry of Women and Children Affairs; as Female Education Specialist for Female Secondary School Assistance Project (FSSAP-II), Ministry of Education and as Gender and Development Specialist for Second Primary Education Program (PEDP-II), Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, Government of Bangladesh, Secondary Education Sector Development Program (SESDP-11), Consultant of Royal Netherland Embassy. She has many articles in National and International journals, her most of the writings are on women rights and gender issues. She always gives emphasis on the socio-cultural impact on women against any malpractice. Dr Akhter presented papers in many International Conference on Gender issues towards women empowerment. On the international platform, she always takes the opportunity to raise the voice on behalf of women in Bangladesh. She is also a member of “Women for Women” which is one of the largest research organization in Bangladesh. Dr Zobaida Akhter did her PhD in “Women and Equality: The Context of Bangladesh” from the University of Dhaka and completed a Post-Graduation course on Gender and Body Language from the University of Hannover, Germany. In her PhD dissertation, she explained how education and culture affect women’s lives. She established in her thesis that mistaken education is the real cause behind women disempowerment. She did research based on a case study on women empowerment in collaboration with the International Research Foundation of Open Learning (Cambridge) She loves to teach and to build awareness through research. She believes that research is the most essential and important vehicle for any educationist to enrich one’s own knowledge and she strongly believes that sharing that knowledge on an international platform could enhance the experience of the researcher at a maximum level.


Dr. Zulkifli

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Indonesia

15 May – 15 November 2012


Dr. Zulkifli is currently teaching at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in Jakarta. He had been a lecturer at the State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) in Palembang, South Sumatera (1991-2007) before he was appointed as the rector of the newly established state college for Islamic Studies in Bangka Belitung. He obtained his doctorandus (Drs) in Islamic education from IAIN Palembang (1990), MA in anthropology from Australian National University, Canberra (1994), and PhD in Islamic Studies from Leiden University, the Netherlands (2009).  The areas of his teaching, writing and research interest include Islamic education, Islamic movements, and anthropology. His publications include Ulama of South Sumatera (1999), Sufism in Java (2002) and the Struggle of the Shi’is in Indonesia (in press, 2012).


Melanie Jones-Leaning

 Waikato University, New Zealand





Veronica Rovoletto

Bard College, USA

1 October 2006 – 1 September 2007


Veronica Rovoletto was born in Venice, Italy, in 1973. She studied Philosophy at the University of Padua and pursued a PhD in philosophy at the University of Barcelona, Spain, where she became a researcher in 2006. After studying with Francisco Lopez Frias and Norbert Bilbeny, specializing in practical philosophy, she moved to New York, teaching at Bard College, where she published the Challenge of Globalization, BSS, Journal of Social Science, New York 2006. Influenced by the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche and his concept of freedom, she analyzes the development and structure of modern society focusing on its mass culture aspects. She asserts that, since human beings cannot be detached from their circumstances, which form the world where they live, there must be constant attention to not be absorbed from those circumstances and, at the same time, there must be an attempt to absorb them. They cannot be avoided since they constitute our unique being, which must be preserved against the dryness of thinking created by a mass-oriented culture.

Last Update: 07/01/2025