• Centre for Civilisational Dialogue (UMCCD)
  • dialog@um.edu.my
  • +60379675697
  • To be the centre of reference for the development and dissemination of civilisational dialogue, discourses as well as engagements locally and internationally.

  • To promote global peace and sustainability of human civilisation through:
    i. Research activities/programs that promote intercivilisastional/intercultural dialogue.
    ii. Consultation works with various organisations (GO/NGO) that can benefit from dialogue knowledge and skills.
    iii. Conferences, workshops, round-table discussions and public lectures at the local as well as the international level aimed at promoting dialogue.
    iv. Publications in the form of occasional papers, monograph series, books and the English language journal KATHA as well as Jurnal Peradaban in Malay.
    v. Visiting Scholars Programme under which distinguished local and international scholars from different parts of the world will spend one or two weeks at the Centre to give lectures and lead seminars that are open to both the academic community and the general public. Scholars under this programme can undertake research into civilisational issues and publish their work with the Centre as well.

Our Ethos
  • That the dialogical frame of mind will enhance our humanity.
  • Championing dialogue in our societies will lead to sustainability.
  • Encouraging and supporting dialogue among people belonging to different cultures and civilizations, and to engage openly and proactively about their viewpoints to avoid divisiveness and conflicts.
  • There is a need for a dialogue with nature or to be more specific, interactive dialogue in harmony with nature to better understand the world around us and to listen so that we become fully aware of the environment that is communicating with us urgently.

Last Update: 23/06/2022