• Centre for Civilisational Dialogue (UMCCD)
  • dialog@um.edu.my
  • +60379675697

On-going Research Projects

  1. Guarding Our Water Together: Unveiling the Hidden World of Water Security and Ecosystems, Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ), RM 25,000, 2024 - 2025, co-PI: Chang Lee Wei
  2. Transformational Sustainability Leadership: Training Module for the National Planetary Health Action Plan (NPHAP), Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) - GA035-2023, RM 50,0000, 2023 - 2024, PI: Prof. Datuk Dr. Azizan Baharuddin
  3. Green Mosque Module as an Islamic Cultural Engagement Programme for the Japan Da'wah Centre, Osaka: An Exploratory Case Study, Kementerian Alam Sekitar dan Air (KASA) - GA011-2023, RM 20,000, 2023 - 2024, PI: Dr. Asmawati Muhamad
  4. Designing A Sleep Pattern Framework from A Quranic Perspective, Geran Penyelidikan Industri ACIS Skim Penajaan Geran Penyelidikan Dar Al-Qari Resources (DAQR) (Yayasan RI), RM 5,000, 2024 - 2025, co-researcher: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli

Completed Research Projects

  1. Program Keharmonian Agama di Selangor, Majlis Perpaduan dan Integrasi Selangor (MPIS) - GAU001-2023, RM 20,000, 2023 - 2023, PI: Chang Lee Wei
  2. Bengkel Perpaduan Melalui Kraftangan di Kalangan OKU Kategori Masalah Pembelajaran di Semenyih, Selangor, Majlis Perpaduan dan Integrasi Selangor (MPIS) - GAU002-2023, RM 20,000, 2023 - 2023, co-PI: Chang Lee Wei
  3. Kajian Piagam Harmoni Malaysia, Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM) - GA014-2023, RM 60,000, 2023 - 2023, PI: Prof. Datuk Dr. Azizan Baharuddin
  4. #MySusFuture: Young Malaysians' Visions (Visi Golongan Belia Untuk Masa Depan Mampan), Geran Sumbangan SKUM (GSS) Grant - GAU2022-SKUM(02), RM 6,750, 2022 - 2022, PI: Dr. Sharifah Ayeshah Syed Mohd Noori
  5. Penasionalisasian Dialog Perpaduan Ke Arah Kemakmuran Bersama, Institut Masa Depan Malaysia (MASA) - P32.0/2022, RM 22,900, 2022 - 2022, PI: Prof. Datuk Dr. Azizan Baharuddin
  6. Resilience And Technology-Know-How: Transforming The Local Farmers Business Model, RU Grant - UMCares - UMCARES2020-1O, RM 10,000, 2020 - 2021, PI: Assoc. Prof. Gs. Dr. Rosilawati Zainol 
  7. A Life Dialogue: Towards Sustainable Nilai Muallaf, RU Grant - UMCares - UMCARES2020-1A, RM 10,000, 2020 - 2021, PI: Dr. Alwani Ghazali
  8. Upskilling the Fishing Community through Lifelong Learning Education on Circular Economy, IIRG (Programme) - IIRG007(A-C)-19SAH, RM 165,480, 2019 - 2021, PI: Assoc. Prof. Gs. Dr. Rosilawati Zainol 
  9. Beberapa Bidang Ilmu Sains dan Matematik Malayonesia yang Mendahului Ilmu di Eropah Sebelum Abad Ke-19m, UMRG Program (Book) - SG032-19SAH, RM 10,000, 2019 - 2021, PI: Emeritus Prof. Dr. Shaharir Md Zain
  10. Immortalising Cultural Heritage, UMRG (Programme) - RP004(A-C)-14HNE, RM 250,000 (RM 150,000 + RM 100,000), 2014 - 2016, PI: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Faridah Noor Mohd Noor
  11. Indeks Baharu Keterlestarian Ilmu (New Index for Knowledge Sustainability), Bantuan Kecil Penyelidikan (BKP) - BK020-2014, RM 18,200, 2014 - 2015, PI: Emeritus Prof. Dr. Shaharir Md Zain
  12. Policy and Social Assessment for Disabled Community in a Multi-cultural Society - Malaysia, UMRG (Programme) - RP003(A-D)-13HNE, RM 300,000 (RM 160,000 + RM 140,000), 2013 - 2015, PI: Prof Dr Raihanaha Abdullah
  13. Towards the Betterment of Persons with Disabilities: A Comprehensive Study, UMRG (Programme) - RP002(A-E)-13HNE, RM 375,000 (RM 200,000 + RM 175,000), 2013 - 2015, PI: Assoc Prof Dr Siti Hajar Abu Bakar AH
  14. Inter-cultural Dialogue towards Peace Buidling, UMRG (Programme) - RP004-2012(A-D), RM 265,056 (RM120,056 + RM 145,000), 2012 - 2014, PI: Assoc Prof Dr Raihanah Abdullah
  15. Keterlestarian Ilmu: Rujukan Terhadap Ilmu Malayonesia (Knowledge Sustainability with References to the Malayonesian Knowledge), UMRG (Project) - RG185-12SUS, RM 31,200, 2012 - 2013, PI: Dr Shaharir Md Zain
  16. Transgenderism in Malaysia: The Different Perspectives, UMRG (Project) - RG383-12HNE, RM 40,000, 2012 - 2013, PI: Dr Zuraidah Abdullah
  17. Culture of Peace - Attitudes and Beliefs in Malaysia, UMRG (Project) - RG184-12SUS, RM 33,400, 2012 - 2013, PI: Assoc Prof Dr Stefan Bucher
  18. Model Keterlestarian Berasaskan Prakarsa Pemerintahan Malayunesia Sebelum Abad Kesembilan Belas dan Nilai Islam (A New Sustainability Model Based on Initaitives of Malayunesian Rulers Before the Ninetenth Century and Islamic Values), UMRG (Project) - RG122-11SUS, RM 40,000, 2011 - 2012, PI: Dr Shaharir Md Zain
  19. Humanities & The Environment: Eco-Mosque and the Muslim Society, Flagship Programme: Humanities and The Environment - FL005-2011, RM 124,800, 2011 - 2012, Sub-PI: Assoc Prof Dr Raihanah Abdullah
  20. Humanities & The Environment: Studies of the Environmental Ethical Values Inherent in the Indigenous Corpus and Lifestyle of the Malays, Flagship Programme: Humanities and The Environment - FL005-2011, RM 124,800, 2011 - 2012, Sub-PI: Prof Dr Azizan Baharuddin
  21. Amalan Dialog Di Malaysia dan Dampaknya Terhadap Gagasan 1Malaysia: Kajian Kes Pelajar di Universiti Malaya (Dialogue Practices in Malaysia and Its Impacts on the 1Malaysia Concept: Case Study of Students in University of Malaya), Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) - FP033-2010B, RM 55,560, 2010 - 2013, PI: Prof Dr Azizan Baharuddin
  22. Kajian Mengenai Nilai dan Sistem Indigenous di dalam Penentuan Sikap dan Regulasi Aplikasi Bioteknologi-bioteknologi Terpilih (Study on the Development of Bioethics in Malaysia with Focus on the Roel of Indigenous Values and Systems on the Regulation Application of Selected Biotechnology), UMRG (Project) - RG006/09SUS, RM 64,500 (RM 27,500 + RM 37,000), 2009 - 2011, PI: Prof Dr Azizan Baharuddin
  23. Dialog Antara Kelompok Etnik dan Budaya di Malaysia: Sejarah dan Dampaknya ke atas Pembangunan Bangsa Malaysia (Inter-ethnic & Inter-cultural Dialogue in Malaysia: Historical Impacts on the Development of the Malaysians Nation), UMRG (Project) - RG047/09HNE, RM 19,500, 2009 - 2010, PI: Emeritus Prof Dr Osman Bakar
  24. Perkembangan dan Perjuangan NGO Wanita Islam di Malaysia: Kajian Terhadap Peranan dan Sumbangan dalam Memertabatkan Kedudukan Wanita Islam di Malaysia (The Evolution and Mission of Muslim Women in Malaysia: Research on the Roles and Contributions to Improve the Position of Muslim Women in Malaysia), Short Term Research Fund (Vote-F) - FS168/2008C, RM 62,205, 2008 - 2010, PI: Assoc Prof Dr Raihanah Abdullah
  25. Measuring the Moral Capability of Youths (2nd Phase), UMRG (Project), 2009 - 2011, PI: Prof Dr Azizan Baharuddin
  26. Guidelines for Environmetnal Ethics Education Based on Faith Systems, Asia-Pacific Network Grant (APN), 2005 - 2007, PI: Prof Dr Azizan Baharuddin
  27. Measuring the Moral Capability of Youths (1st Phase), UMRG (Project), 2004 - 2005, PI: Prof Dr Azizan Baharuddin
  28. The Interface Between Science, Religion and Development, US Embassy Grant, 2004 - 2005, PI: Prof Dr Azizan Baharuddin
  29. Cultural Diversity in Malaysia, UMRG (Project), 2004 - 2007, PI: Emeritus Prof Dr Khoo Khay Kim

Last Update: 21/05/2024