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Monograph 32: |
Monograph 31: Pre-Intellect Human Communication: Speaking from the heart and from the imaginal & Communication Through Imagery: Exploring a visual language for humanity RM 20.00 Author: Eric Winkel Year of Publication: 2023 |
Monograph 30: Enrique De Malacca and Datu Lapulapu: The Prides of the Malay Archipelago |
Monograph 29: Melayu Mahawangsa: Their Contributions to Socio-Cultural Developments in China, Madagascar and South Africa RM 10.00 Author: Md. Salleh Yaapar Year of Publication: 2022 |
Monograph 28: Kepimpinan Pengetua Melalui Komuniti Pembelajaran Profesional |
Monograph 27: Transformasi Pendidikan Awam Malaysia (Analisis Dasar Strategik PPPM 2013-2025) RM 31.00 Penulis: Hussein Haji Ahmad Tahun Penerbitan: 2014 |
Monograph 26: A Philosophy of Unity in Malaysia RM 12.00 Author(s): Alastair Gunn & Azizan Baharuddin Year of Publication: 2013 |
Monograph 25: The Emergence of Siyasah Al-Shar'iyyah as a Discipline of Knowledge in Islamic Studies RM 12.00 Author(s): Lukman Thaib Year of Publication: 2013 |
Monograph 24: Dinamika Hubungan Antara Etnik dan Agama di Indonesia: Kajian Jawa Timur RM 15.00 Penulis: Zuraidah Abdullah Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani Tahun Penerbitan: 2012 |
Monograph 23: A Civilisational Dialogue on Forming Our Global Family RM 15.00 Author(s): Elisabet Sahtouris Year of Publication: 2012 |
Monograph 22: Towards Developing an Indigenous Philosophy Module: A Roundtable Dialogue RM 15.00 Author(s): Samuel O Imbo Year of Publication: 2011 |
Monograph 21: A Case For Inter-Civilisational Dialogue: Labour Migration, Islam And Gender Roles In A Muslim Community In The Philippines RM 15.00 Author(s): Vivienne SM Angeles Year of Publication: 2011 |
Monograph 20: The Globalization of Language and Culture RM 15.00 Author(s): Stefan Bucher Year of Publication: 2010 |
Monograph 19: The Danger of Mass Culture In The Globalized Era: A Comparison Between Ortega And Nietzsche RM 15.00 Author(s): Veronica Rovoletto Year of Publication: 2010 |
Monograph 18: Civilisational Dialogue and the Philosophy of Religion RM 15.00 Author(s): Dougles Pratt Year of Publication: 2009 |
Monograph 17: Philosophy and Islam: A Modest Proposal for Spreading Applied Philosophy RM 15.00 Author(s): Thomas W Simon Year of Publication: 2009 |
Monograph 16: Ostad Elahi on Spirituality in Everyday Life RM 15.00 Author(s): James W Morris Year of Publication: 2009 |
Monograph 15: Some Ideas on Civilisation and Gandhi principle of Non-Violence RM 12.00 Author(s): Ravindra Kumar & Alastair Gunn Year of Publication: 2008 |
Monograph 14: Integrity RM 15.00 Author(s): Alastair Gunn Year of Publication: 2008 |
Monograph 13: Cultural Encounter and Religious Engagement in Nurturing World Peace RM 12.00 Author(s): MD Salleh Yaapar Year of Publication: 2007 |
Monograph 12: World Peace in a Divided World RM 12.00 Author(s): Mohamad Abu Bakar Year of Publication: 2007 |
Monograph 11: From Ethics and Devotion to Spiritual Realisation: Ibn Arabi on What is Dispensable For The Spiritual Seeker RM 12.00 Author(s): James Winston Morris Year of Publication: 2007 |
Monograph 10: The Islamization of yoga in the Amrtakunda Translations RM 12.00 Author(s): Carl W Ernst Year of Publication: 2006 |
Monograph 9: Inter-Religious Dialogue in Malaysia RM 15.00 Author(s): Karim D. Crow Year of Publication: 2009 |
Monograph 8: Chinese Religions and Chinese Civilisation RM 12.00 Author(s): Amina Hong Qu Year of Publication: 2009 |
Monograph 7: JIHAD Peaceful Striving and Combative - Struggle RM 12.00 Author(s): Karim D Crow Year of Publication: 2009 |
Monograph 6: Penyair Agung Rusia Pushkin dan Dunia Timur RM 10.00 Penulis: Victor A Pogadaev Tahun Penerbitan: 2003 |
Monograph 5: Clashing States, Hidden Civilisations: Beyond Huntington RM 10.00 Author(s): Habibul Haque Khondker Year of Publication: 2003 |
Monograph 4: Buddhism Environmental Ethics in Context RM 12.00 Author(s): Alastair S Gunn & Ruth Walker Year of Publication: 2003 |
Monograph 3: Our Understanding of Ultimate Reality Shapes Our Action RM 10.00 Author(s): Leonard Swidler Year of Publication: 2003 |
Monograph 2: Understanding Religions and Inter-Religious Understanding: Four Classical Muslim Thinkers RM 10.00 Author(s): James Morris Year of Publication: 2003 |
Monograph 1: Dialogue in Malaysia The Global Scenario RM 20.00 Author(s): Leonard Swidler Year of Publication: 2003 |
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Last Update: 06/07/2023