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  • dialog@um.edu.my
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Science & Religion: An Islamic Perspective

Editor  :   Azizan Baharuddin
Year  :   2006
Publisher  :   Universiti Malaya Centre for Civilisational Dialogue
ISBN  :   983-3070-16-7
Pages  :   203
Format  :   Paperback
Price  :   RM 30.00

The chapters in this book are based on the working papers originally presented at the Conference on "Science and Religion : Perspectives of Islamic Civilisation" which was held at the University of Malaya a few years ago. It was funded by a grant received from the Centre for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Barkeley, California. With the exception of Muhammad Qaseem all the contributors to this book are Malaysian academics who are very interested in the area of Science and Religion and who have been actively engaged in articulating their thoughts for the past 20 years. Regardless of their fields of specialization and professional involvement, one common element in their efforts is to contemporaries the importance of religion, in this case Islam. Finally, in this context of the national aspiration towards embracing the ideals of Islam Hadhari (civilisational Islam) this book hopefully a humble contribution.

Email us at dialog@um.edu.my for more information

Last Update: 29/06/2022